Monday, February 9, 2009

HUDSON BAY PLANE CRASH - Excellent Rescue Management

The most recent incident happened which almost left everyone amazed was the plane crash at Hudson bay in New York city despite there were no casualties , it was a still nerve wrecking experience for the people onboard US Airways Flight 1549, an Airbus A320. The US Airways Flight heading from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina crashed in New York’s Hudson River at 3:31 PM after suffering a “double bird strike” at 3,200 feet. The Airbus A320 was carrying 150 passengers, two pilots, and three flight attendants.

As soon as the plane hit the chilling waters, “a small flotilla of boats” arrived to rescue passengers, including the Coast Guard Cutter Ridley, and New York Police Department divers. Tom Fox, general manager, brought the New York Water Taxi to assist as well. All were there in a span of about 5-10 minutes. Every possible facility was on the spot in no time. That was the only reason which saved all the 150 passengers including the onboard crew. A big disaster which could have claimed hundred of lives was being averted because of the quick-action and vigilance of the rescue teams in the United States of America.

It can be seen that though 9/11 was a terrorist attack which shock the entire United States of America but it really helped them to take a lesson from it and be prepared for such situations. They formed specialized rescue management teams which are not just limited to terrorist attacks but also situations like plane crash, floods, earthquakes, riots etc.

The question here arises is do we Indians have such kind of rescue management teams and facilities & are we fit enough to face such situation. As we look into the past & present,the answer is No. we still don’t have any specialized rescue management teams even after the 26th July water deluge in Mumbai, 7/11 train bombings ,recent the26/11 terrorist attacks in Mumbai or the blasts in Assam. Unfortunately, after every such events big proclaims are made by the government or their leaders of making specialized teams encompassing them with all the equipments & facilities.

After 2-3months when all the politics is done on such situations we come to see that the teams are formed but just for namesake. We still can't figure out what training does the rescue officials get making them efficient to be part of such squads. The first thing for the rescue management teams is to have a quick response to any situation but infact after all the tragic events like 7/11 or 26/11, i can actually see the quick response of our rescue management teams and the police is 1-2 hours after the incident takes place which is not acceptable. If the rescue officials in USA responded in 1 hour after the plane crashed at Hudson Bay, I really doubt how many people could have actually been saved.

i would not like to say that the men in these services are not capable or least interested. All they require is just a push, a motivation push from the government to serve the people better but its our political leaders who controls. Its The politicians who makes promises of having a disaster management team which lands up by just buying sum fancy vehicles purchased in the name of that team and after few months being given to government officials for their leisure (The Mahindra Scorpio purchased for Disaster management team by the Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) after the 26/7 water deluge can now be seen used by the BMC officials for their leisure).

There are obviously differences in a developed nation and a developing one. Every country believes in giving people 100% security. And its times that we stop believing and actually start doing it. The government in India and almost in all states waits for such incidents to take place and then act on it. It’s the government who can provide its citizens security and safety but if this continues to be the outlook of our government who are interested in doing politics over it rather than taking protective measures which are actually helpful, it will be really detrimental to society at large. Every individual also need to give full co-operation helping the government to make our country safe and a better place to live.